We provide on-site and over-the-phone interpreting services.
- Medical Appointments
- Arbitrations
- Depositions
- Trials
- Attorney / Client Meetings
- Contract Negotiations
- Workers Compensation Hearings
- Interviews
- Meetings
- Appointments
- Education
- Training
Overall Role of the Interpreter:
To facilitate communication and understanding of cultural frameworks between people who are speaking different languages. The interpreter acts as a conduit, clarifier and cultural broker.
The interpreter renders one language into another language without adjusting register: no addition, no omission, no editing or polishing. This is the “default” role of the interpreter, which the interpreter adopts unless he or she perceives a clear potential for misunderstanding.
Role in which the interpreter adjusts register to check for understanding, makes word pictures of terms that have no linguistic equivalent or whose linguistic equivalent will not be understood by the recipient.
Cultural Broker:
Role in which the interpreter provides a necessary cultural framework for understanding the message being interpreted.
Modes of Interpreting:
A relay in which one speaker says a few sentences, the interpreter interprets, the other speaker responds, the interpreter interprets, etc. This mode is the most common in interpreting because it closely resembles the way in which people usually talk to one another. This mode is less confusing for a triadic interview and more accurate.
A relay in which an interpreter interprets at the same time that the speaker is speaking, just a few words behind. This technique is most useful when interpreting for a single person, in a large group or in cases where time is of the essence such as a medical emergency.